Civ 6 city under siege
Civ 6 city under siege

Two support units, both available in the early game, make sieging cities substantially easier. And, of course, encampment districts have their own sets of walls and health, so if you want to shut down the enemy’s constant barrage of assaults against you, you’ll need to take them out as well.

civ 6 city under siege civ 6 city under siege

City health, on the other hand, regenerates a little bit every turn unless the city is under siege-which occurs when every tile directly adjacent to the city is under the attacker’s direct control or zone-of-control (not counting impassable tiles). Cities can only repair walls if the walls haven’t taken damage in at least three turns, so it’s okay if it takes a while to wear them down.

civ 6 city under siege

All damage to walls is semi-permanent, and lasts until the city manually repairs them using production. Three other big things you need to know about walls: First and probably most importantly, walls don’t regenerate health on their own. But, as the walls wear down, your artillery will start doing damage to the city’s health as well, and your units will have more of an opening. You need siege units to damage city walls-catapults, the industrial-era bombards, artillery and rocket artillery all do full damage to walls. Normal units only do 15% of their normal damage to city walls and don’t make a dent in the city itself ranged units only do half damage. Walls add a separate blue health bar to each city, and here’s the key: Regular units can’t do much damage to cities that have walls. The key to conquering and sieging cities in Civ 6 is understanding how walls work. But any city more advanced than that will decimate your units if you aren’t properly prepared.

civ 6 city under siege

Taking over a city without walls or encampments is basically the same as it used to be throw your units against it for a while until it falls. Wartime city mechanics in Civilization 6 are derived from those in Civ V, but expand on them dramatically-in a way that makes cities much harder to conquer if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Civ 6 city under siege